Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Boundaries of freedom

The only thing I can remember from class tonight, as I hurry to write this before it is due in less than an hour, is when we talked about exploring the boundaries of video games. I was one of those people that would love to explore the video game world and see what kind of hidden treats the creators left to find. Video games encourage people to explore around their world, but in our world, there are consequences. A couple of months ago, me and a friend were wandering around outside because the weather was amazing. We lived near an abandoned building that didn't have any signs around it and it was in a somewhat open spot. We wanted to watch the sunset but couldn't because there were so many trees in the way, so I thought we could go on top of the building just until the sun set. We managed to get on top of the building and watched as the sun set. Clouds were starting to gather and were going to rain on us so we started to head back, that is when we saw police officers surrounding us. They ordered us to come down and asked what we were doing up there. They automatically suspected that we were trying to deface the building or vandalize it. We had no such intentions, but they kept insisting that no person would go up there to look at the sunset because of the shitty weather. Of course i wouldn't expect a cop to understand because the academy beat all the creativity out of them, but i was just appalled by such accusations. I ended up getting arrested even though after the trial, my lawyer told me that since the building had no signs or anything that the cop didn't have the right to arrest me. I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong, but apparently there are boundaries set by authority, which i will not allow to disrupt my free thinking mind.

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