Monday, September 15, 2014

Blind in the 3rd eye

For this class take away, I was unfortunately not in class, due to a spontaneous eye infection that has happened during the weekend. I Woke up this morning to have my eye swollen and red, which i was very upset about. I needed to go see a doctor to confirm what I had. Getting up at 7:30 in the morning and barely having any sleep to begin with wasn't helping the situation. I still got up and took a shower, but a voice in the back of my head was begging me to just go back to sleep. I hadn't missed a day of college at IUPUI since i started last semester. I was very anal about missing days because i know if I miss any day of class, I would have to deal with catching up on top of all the assignments I already have to do. This semester I am taking 5 classes, which is a first for me. I never expected to get sick enough that I would have to miss a day of school, but here I am, in bed, writing as my class is almost over. I went to the doctors around 3 when class began and I got diagnosed with an eye infection. I was panicking. The school week had just started and the doctor told me I had to stay away from school for a few days. I have never missed a day of school, let alone a couple in the same week. I began to foresee the future of me having to catch up with school work while trying to stay current with it as well and having to work on the weekend with no chance of catching up with it. I was about to force myself to go to school when I stopped and had a thought. This is something new to me that I have never done before, which I shouldn't be afraid of. Yes, I will be missing a couple days of school, but that doesn't mean that I have to fall behind and give up. I just have to keep up to date on assignments that we are doing and turn in everything that is due on time. I may have one eye that doesn't work but my third eye woke up because of that. It has been blinded by what my eyes can see, but now that one eye isn't working, the third one has kicked in to help me not stress out about the situation and to help me get through it. I must challenge myself to accept things I cannot change, and find other ways to keep succeeding because I'm pretty sure this isn't the last time this will happen. That is my take away, away from school.

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