Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to change History...

...the book, not actual history. I have this history book that I chose for an assignment in which we transform a book which you had negative feelings towards into a book that is positive. I chose the History book not because I hate history, but because my history class was taught by a senile old man who almost fell asleep during his own lecture. Personally, I don't seem to remember most of it now because there isn't anything too interesting that stuck in my mind about that class, other than history of course, so that's why I chose it. Here are some what if's on what I could do with the book to make it more positive to me.

1. What if I colored in the book to make it not so boring?
2. What if I made it into a pop-up book by using other pages within the book to make the pop-ups?
3. What if I burned some pages to represent how sometimes the past is burned in our memories?
4. What if I put post its over the actual text and replaced it with a simpler form so everyone could understand?
5. What if I made the book more fun by putting puzzles in it that went from page to page?
6. What if I transformed the book into a digital video and used only interesting parts of it?
7. What if I took the book with me everywhere and incorporated something memorable from that day on one page until I finished it?
8. What if I turned the book into a scrap book of photos of people that resemble people from that book?
9. What if I ripped out all the pages and re-organized them in a random order so I could literally change history and make it more interesting.
10. What if I took out all the pages, kept the binding, and made re-make the whole book using my perspective?
11. What if I wrote a good thought on each page until I filled it, then pass it on to someone?
12. What if I tore out all the pages and use them as wallpaper?
13. What if I made a collage of the pictures to help me remember the most important parts of history?
14. What if I took out important moments in history and hang them on a tree outside to make a Histree? (haha I'm an idiot! )
15. What if I put the book to use and shredded it to make confetti for a music video ?
16. What if I made origami projects with each page, and see how many I can make before it becomes too difficult?
17. What if I turned the book into a day-by-day calendar?
18. What if I hide random pages in public places and see if anyone notices?
19. What if I tore out all the pages and dropped them from a building onto the unsuspecting public to cause a scene?
20. What if I tore out the first 59 pages and placed them in a bag and used that to pick lottery numbers?
21. What if I used the pages to make a paper Mache bust of the teacher?
22. What If I used the good moments in the history book and laminate the pages and make a positive shower curtain?
23. What if I made a little boat from the book and put a message in it and sent it down the river to see if anyone gets it?
24. What if I made a kite out of the book?
25. What if I took interesting moments in history and made placemats out of them?
26. What if I made scribbled out some words of the text so I could make it reading it a different experience?
27. What if I made a comic strip that sums up the main point of some chapters of the book?
28. What if I inserted in curse words here and there when necessary to spice the book up and make reading it a laugh?
29. What if I recorded myself reading the book so when I forget about it in a few years i can hear myself read it to jog my memory?
30. What if I summerized the key aspects of each chapter and made my own shortened version of the book?
31. What if i used the pages as wrapping paper and make their presence a present?
32. What if I collected unique quotes from throughout the book and make a positive poster out of them?
33. What if I made the book more interactive and make it into a play which people can act out?
34. What if I took the book with me and went to go visit the historical sites in it?
35. What if I took the book with me and continued writing history from where the book left off?
36. What if I replaced the pictues in the book with my own version of them?
37. What if I i took out all the pages and arranged them so i made a nice flag out of them?
38. What if I made a giant timeline to chronically time the events of all the wars and when everything happened?
39. What if I replaced the people in the History book with people I know from real life?
40. What if I made a choose your own adventure book out of the book so you could jump between historical periods?
41. What if I could take the book with me to the past and alter the future?
42. What if I donated the book?
43. What if I made a costume out of the pages and was the book for halloween?
44. What if I talked to elders about what their life was like during certain points in history ?
45. What if I went to live temporarily at a location that allowed you to experience what life was like back then?
46. What if I made a interactive video game out of the history book?
47. What if I related past historical events from the book to modern day events to see if history is really repeating itself?
48. What if I made a song about histories greatest moments to a tune we could all remember?
49. What if I sold the book so I could use the funds for buying another?
50. What if I recycle the book so I can help it transform into something else?

What would you do to it?

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