Monday, September 22, 2014


Today in class, we talked about our 50 what-ifs assignment. I wasn't in school last week so I had no idea how the assignment was supposed to be done. From what I heard other people say though, made me feel better about myself. This guy said he got so frustrated that he listed tying the book up and dragging it behind his car. What was he on? I never thought of it like that, as you see in my previous post about my 50 what ifs.  After discussing that, we watched a film called Waste Land, a film about artist Vik Muniz and how he created masterful art pieces of art from recycled material picked by pickers in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. It was nice to meet all the people throughout the film and learn about their lives there. This one man named Valter hadn't have a proper education and had been there all his life. He enjoyed his job and said he would rather be poor than rich. A quote he said that I will remember forever is (talking about the importance of recycling) "people sometimes say, "But one single can? One single can is of great importance. Because 99 is not 100, and that one single can will make the difference" He died soon after the film was made, which broke my heart. I think he is a hero personally because I am for recycling 100%. I hate to see people throw recyclables away because I feel they don't really know what they are doing to the environment. If we could just do our part, we would have a cleaner environment to thrive in. Thank you, Valter for being a hero for the environment, you will never be forgotten. 

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